President, Guy Sulfaro; Vice Presidents, Joan Luther & Larry Link; Treasurer, Ed Ocker; Secretary, John Chandler.
7.00pm. April 28th. 2006, Ashley Hall, Rooms 2&3.
The meeting was called to order by Guy Sulfaro.
A silence was observed to mark the passing of Donald Waring.
Minutes: John Chandler
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, with no mistakes for a change!
Treasurer’s Report: Ed Ocker
Account balance as of 3/24/06 $2802.95.
Account balance as of 4/24/06 $4148.30.
The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Vice President's Report: Joan Luther
The April covered dish, which Nottoway hosted, was a great success. Mary Grace forwarded her thanks for a job well
done. We will host again next year.
Vice President's Report: Larry Link
Two of our calling captains are leaving the village, so we need replacements for them. If you are willing to take
one of these positions please let Larry know.
We will attend a baseball game on June 22nd. We need more than 20 people to attend to get the discounted ticket
cost of $15.00. People booking tickets will be charged $22.00 and will receive a refund if the magic number is reached.
All other arrangements have to be made by the individuals attending.
President’s report: Guy Sulfaro.
Guy announced that Ann Lance & Barbara Rose have agreed to co-host the Christmas party. Thank you ladies!!
Our thanks to Joan Luther for her organization of the troops for the April covered dish.
The fashion show was a sight to behold. There have been unsubstantiated rumours that the models have received proposals
of marriage!
Our next big event is the Kentucky Derby. Or is it Darby? I think your secretary is in the minority on this
Decorating Committee Report: Mary Hampl.
The duration of our Easter decorations were in compliance with Plantation bye laws.
Mary is encouraged by the assistance being offered. New displays are being made so keep your eyes on our entrance.
Harry Reynolds and Roger Howell are lending their talents to this task.
Social Events: Anita Gagnon
A co-chair is needed for the road rally. Marlene and Paul Kimball will be away for a while and the planning needs
to continue. Let them know if you can help.
Party supplies are being kept at the Witkes residence. We will exhaust them first, after which, the relevant host
or hosts will purchase and be reimbursed by the treasury for the cost of supplies as they are needed.
A luncheon will be held at Vic Embers on June 25th. The first 49 people to sign up will be able to ride the bus.
After that, diners will have to supply their own transport.
Kentucky Derby. Barb Stapp announced that help is needed for set up at 4;30pm on Friday afternoon. The decorations
will be finished beginning at 10;00am on Saturday. A display of prizes was available for viewing. After tonight,
residents wishing to attend will be put on a waiting list. If people drop out, wait listed people will be offered tickets.
This is necessary to satisfy the caterers need to have a definite number for food preparation.
A jockey is needed for the “Upper Nottoway” horse. (Secretary’s comment; There is no weight limit
for the rider. This is a STRONG horse).
The JULIETS enjoyed Angelo’s on their last outing. The ladies raised $84:00 for Haven House.
may 25th. They will dine at Salvatore’s. Pay your $5.00 deposit to either Elizabeth O’Leary or Sandy Ilardi.
Meet at 11;00am.
The ROMEO’s next repast is to be held at Knicker’s at Mission Inn on May 22nd. Frank Luther is our
Web Page: Bob Stapp
Bob had no report.
New People:
There were no New residents. Ed suggested that people put their houses up for sale as we are no longer getting
any $20.00 donations from new residents!
Open - Comments:
Sandy Simpson reminded us that there will be no Woody’s tonight. We’ve been pre-empted by Bike Fest.
We will resume next month.
Bob Einig described his communications with the Florida Public Service Commission with reference to the low water pressure
being experienced in the village. Bob was informed that the correct agency to address is the Department of Environmental
Protection. Check with Bob for more information.
Guy pointed out that our association is a social organization. It is permitted to disseminate information
but it isn’t a platform for debate or discussion. Residents wishing to discuss this with Bob should caucus with
him after the meeting.
Other Business:
Susan Ocker, Sandra Witkes, Rosie Fink and Werner Hampl were thanked for tonight’s cookies. Joan Moody, Trudy
Doban, Barb Haines and Kathy Goehmann will provide goodies for us next month.
Ed Ocker reminded residents of the HOA annual meeting to be held next Thursday at the Manor. This is an important
meeting as we move toward resident ownership of The Plantation.
The 50/50 raffle, run with new, much improved
technology, by Barb & Bob Stapp, netted $138.00. $69.00 went into our treasury and $69.00 was won by Allen Kennedy.
Barb did point out that their lanai did not get cleaned as Bob was working on his random number machine and not fulfilling
his household duties .
Remember to bring canned goods and non-perishable food items for Haven House to our meetings. Doris & Chris
Mendenhall deliver the goods we collect each month.
The Next Meeting will be on May 26th. 2006 at 7.00pm. in Rooms 2 & 3 at Ashley Hall
66 residents were in attendance at the meeting.
With no further business to conduct, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved.
Respectfully submitted.
John Chandler, Recording Secretary.
(NVA April 2006)