GameTrack is a free Golf Handicapping System utilized by resident golfers of Nottoway Village playing in our Wednesday
group. If you are interested in utilizing this system, contact Joe Lepold - 728-2716 or Bob Stapp - 315-8834 for our
Group Name, Group ID and Group Password.
2. EBay
Whatever it is, you can get it hear! Online purchase and selling system.
3. National Doppler Radar Sites
Look at the weather with these national radar sites.
4. Florida Congress and Senate Office Holders
Name, Address, Telephone Number, Fax, Email and Web Site of elected officials to Congress and Senate.
5. Google
Internet search engine
6. Plantation At Leesburg Pro Board
Access meeting minutes and activities of thePlantation Resident's Organization (PRO) Board.
7. National Hurricane Center
Tropical Hurricane Forecasts and Advisories
8. The Plantation at Leesburg Web Site
Web Site of The Plantation At Leesburg
9. WebMD
Medical Reference and News
10. Island of Hadakea
Interesting Facts, Information and Pictures relating to the little know Island of Hadakea.
A list of companies, their phone numbers and what keys to hit to by-pass automatic voice messages and get a person.